The Whānau Ora Kaiarahi works with Whānau to assist them to reach their vision of Whānau Oranga-Wellbeing by supporting whānau to achieve their vision/Moemoeā.
This can be through a range of supports such as:
- Facilitated Hui with Whānau
- Navigation services
- Advocacy
- Support
- Optimising collective resources
The aim of the Whānau Ora Kaiarahi is to ensure that whanau receive the services they need but more importantly to allow whānau to assess their current position and decide their future goals.
The progress of each whānau is determined by their Moemoeā /aspirations and their actions to meet their goals.
Whānau Ora Kaupapa
To enable whānau to be self-sufficient, positive and proud, and able to provide for their whānau in the following roles:
- As Carriers of Culture
- As Gateways to Te Āo Maori
- As Models for Lifestyle
- As Guardians of Landscape
- As Access Points to Community
- As Economic Units