The Rūnanga currently provides a wide range of services across social, health, education, housing, justice and information/advice services to all families/whānau in our service delivery area, including social work supports, financial capability, counselling, playcentre, health promotions, rheumatic fever, smoking cessation, road safety, Iwi resource management services, driver licensing, transitional housing, home repairs, positive parenting, Whānau Ora planning, pre-employment preparation and placement.
We also have agencies/services located onsite including IRD for personal and business taxation support, District Health Nurses for community based healthcare services, Drug and Alcohol Assessments and supports through NDHB, and Corrections Services.
Please see further information on key services below:
- Haoura Health – Wellbeing
- Whānau Ora Kaiarahi
- Building Financial Capability
- Kaumātua/Kuia Support
- Rheumatic Fever
- Road Safety and Driver Education
- Housing – Kāinga Ora
- Social Services
- Iwi Resource Management
- Iwi Environmental Management Plan 2022 2027